While many Chicagoans are able to rely solely on the convenient CTA options downtown for their daily transportation needs, many residents of the Loop still have to account for the monthly parking cost of owning a car. Downtown Apartment Collective agents appreciate that this is a significant monthly expense that our clients have to budget for, so here is a compilation of some of the best deals for monthly parking in downtown Chicago and around apartment search areas! While this isn’t meant to be a comprehensive guide to parking downtown, we hope it’s helpful to give an idea of pricing for one of the larger monthly costs apartment renters need to consider.
Gold Coast / Old Town
Apartment hunters looking in the Near North area (Gold Coast, Old Town) around Division Street, LaSalle Drive, and North Avenue should budget from $160-$260 for parking depending on whether the building’s parking is attached and covered. 55 W. Chestnut offers one of the lowest monthly parking options in the area of $160 for attached, uncovered parking.
River North
Because this area in River North around North Clark and Kinzie Street is in such high demand with endless shopping, dining, and nightlife options, attached monthly parking tends to run around $260 per month, on par with Loop parking options. River North Park offers the most competitive attached monthly parking rate of $230 on West Illinois Street by North Orleans.
West Loop / Fulton River District
Street parking during the milder months in the West Loop is a popular choice for residents in the West Loop and Fulton River District neighborhoods. Monthly parking at buildings can range anywhere from $150-$260 which depends on how new and large the property is. 1313 W. Randolph takes the cake for the least expensive monthly parking option of $150.
Near South Loop
Those searching for an apartment in the South Loop and Printer’s Row areas of Chicago can expect to pay around $220 for monthly parking. Commuters of the South Loop should also consider looking into the economical option at InterPark on South Federal Street which offers a $130 per month special for those who use their cars during normal business hours.
Additional Parking Resources
ParkingSpotter.com and ParkWhiz are helpful resources you can turn to for alternative options to attached parking. Simply type in your address of the building or your neighborhood of choice and the sites will populate monthly parking options with the contact information and cost.
If you have guests in from out of town, the SpotHero smartphone app can be helpful for them to search available shorter term parking and reserve it on the spot. This tool is also a great help for residents who just don’t want to spend precious time circling the blocks to find a spot!
We know that living expenses add up quickly when you live in a city that has so much to offer like downtown Chicago, so we want you to feel like you’re receiving the best resources and service available to you! Come into our office at 180 N. Wacker to meet a friendly and resourceful Downtown Apartment Collective leasing agent today or give us a call to get started on your search at (312) 772-3929.